

Narrator:>Amy is holding a box with a dog inside.She is talking with her friend, Jane.
Amy:>My neighbor gave me this dog. I don't like it. It always barks.
Jane:>Why don't you give it back?
Amy:>I can't give it back. My neighbor moved.
Amy:>I want to give this dog away to someone.
Jane:>It isn't easy to give a dog away.
Amy:>You need to give me a hand.Help me find someone who wants a dog.
Jane:>You really need a helping hand.
Jane:>The dog is cute.
Amy:>Hey, that gives me an idea, a great idea!
Amy:>I can give out pictures of the dog.Someone will want it.
Jane:>Yeah! You can give the pictures out downtown.
Amy:>If that doesn't work, then I'll give up.
Jane:>You will give up and keep the dog?
Amy:>No, I'll give up and give the dog to you.
Jane:>No, come on. I'll give you a hand giving out pictures to help give the dog away.

give back歸還;送回
give away贈送
give (someone) a hand幫助(某人)
give (someone) an idea提供(某人)主意
give out分發
give up放棄


give a dirty look瞪人

The man gave me a dirty look when I complained.
Don't give me a dirty look; it's not my fault.

dirty look 是「輕蔑或是不讚同的眼光」,這個片語通常是用在「表達對別人不滿的行為,而拋出責難的眼光」。在使用上是 give (someone) a dirty look 而不會說 give a dirty look to (someone)。
在這裡 look 也可以用複數,所以也可以說 give (someone) dirty looks。
另外有一個很有趣的片語 make a long face,字面意思就是「拉長了臉」,可以指心情不好或是生氣,所以如果別人心情不好,臉色很難看,我們就可以問:
Why the long face?
Why such a long face?
What's with the long face?
Why have you got such a long face?

give (someone) a hand幫忙;喝采

This is heavy; can you give me a hand?
Rhonda gave us a big hand when she drove us to New York.
Clay smiled when the audience gave him a hand.
Let's give a big hand to tonight's winner!

give (someone) a hand 作「幫助」的意思時,中文翻譯「伸出援手」是相當貼近英文的。和這個片語意思相似的還有 help (someone) out、do (someone) a favor。
如果是幫了別人「某個忙」,則可在 give (someone) a hand 後面加上 with,例如,「我來幫你拿袋子。」,英文就是︰
Let me give you a hand with your bag.
在第三和第四個例句中,give (someone) a hand 是用在「觀眾替(某人)喝采」,此時我們也可以說 have a show of applause。

give (someone) a hard time責備;開玩笑

The teacher gave us a hard time about fooling around in class.
It was only a mistake; stop giving me a hard time about it.
We really gave Fred a hard time about his wearing different colored socks.
Don't get angry; we just like giving you a hard time.

讀者請注意喲!這個片語是 give (someone) a hard time。不可以說 hard times 喔!time 加了 s 變成 times,指的是「時代」,而 hard times 就成了「艱困的時代」。
give (someone) a hard time 而這個片語在當「責罵」用的時候,常常會和 about 連用,後面加上「罵人的理由」。例如,在第一個例句中,老師罵人的理由就是在 about 後面的上課鬼混(fooling around in class)。

除此之外,give (someone) a hard time 還有一個意思,就是「讓(某人)很不好受」或是「刁難(某人)、存心找碴」的意思。例如,我們可以說:
He gave me a hard time when I worked with him.

give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind憤怒地抱怨

Frank's boss gave him a piece of her mind when she learned of his mistake.
The restaurant's service makes me angry; I'm going to give the manager a piece of my mind!
give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind 用英文解釋,就是 complain angrily。這個片語的相反詞是 forgive and forget 以及 turn the other cheek。
forgive and forget 我們可以比較容易從字面上瞭解,就是「原諒和忘記」的意思,近似中文的「不念舊惡」。
至於 turn the other cheek 讀者可能會疑惑為什麼是教別人「以德報怨」。其實這個片語是出自於聖經中耶穌的教訓。耶穌說過:如果有人打你的左臉,那你就把你的右臉也轉過來給他打。這就是 turn the other cheek 的典故。所以 turn the other cheek 就是「容忍」的意思。
?The best way to get revenge is to turn the other cheek.
?Do I have to forgive and forget in all circumstances?

give away贈送;表露

My sister gave away all her old CDs.
我姊姊把她的舊 CD 都送出去。
If you don't want it, give it away.
Her eyes gave away her true feelings.
Don't give away your true plans.

give away 作「贈送」用是「把東西給別人」,而「洩漏」則是「把事情或消息讓別人知道」,從上面兩個解釋,我們可以瞭解到這個片語的意思就是「送(某人)(某物)」。
如果 give away 可以指「贈送」,那「贈品」的英文要怎麼說?
沒錯,就是 giveaway!英文中有很多動詞片語會轉成名詞用,例如,outcome(結果)是從 come out 來的,breakthrough(重大發現)則是從 break through 來的。
give away 指「洩露」時,還有一個很有趣的片語!英文中 give the game away 的意思是「露出馬腳;露餡」。例如:
The thief gave the game away.

除此之外,give away 還可以用在婚禮上喔!在西式婚禮上,會有一位男性長輩(通常是新娘的父親)牽著新娘的手走向祭壇,並將新娘交給等在祭壇的新郎,是 (someone) gives (a woman) away。
當一對男女互許終身,交換誓言時,這則代表這名女子將委身於他的良人。所以,這句話就是 a woman gives herself to a man。

give back交還

Please give the pen back when you're done.
Joshua forgot to give back the things he borrowed.

give back 作「交還」用的時候,與 return 意思相同。使用時,我們可以把「要交還的東西」放在 give 和 back 的中間,如例句一,或是放在 give back 的後面,如例句二。
不過如果「要交還的東西」變成代名詞時,就只能放在 give 和 back 中間。例如,「把那個還來」英文就只能說 give that back!

give it a try試試看

George gave the game a try, but he didn't like it.
I can't open this jar; you give it a try.

give it a try 是很常用的片語,其他相似的片語如下:
give it a shot
give it a crack
take a crack at
have a try
take a shot

另外一個相關的片語 give it (one's) best shot,中文的意思是「盡(某人)所能」。我們可以一起看看下面的例句,瞭解這個片語的用法:
Donald gave it his best shot, but still did not succeed.
The best you can do is give it your best shot.
當然,我們先前學到的 do (one's) best 和 do (one's) utmost 就與 give it (one's) best shot 的意思相同。

give off發出(味道、聲音等)

The paint gave off a terrible smell.
The alarm gave off a loud warning sound.

give off 通常是放出「光、聲、熱等物質」。例如,「水滾的時候會釋放出蒸汽」。英文的表達方式是 when the water boils, it gives off steam。
give off 也常常和 odor(臭味)或 smell(味道)、aroma(香味)連用,例如,我們可以說 the flowers give off a nice smell,意思就是「這些花散發出馨香的味道」。

give up戒除;認輸;投降

Mark finally gave up smoking.
You should give up motorcycle riding; it is too dangerous.
Estelle gave up when she saw that I was going to win the chess game.
You can't win; give up!
The criminal gave himself up to the police.
Give yourself up! You can't get away.

give up 在第一個和第二個例句中指的是「放棄某種習慣」或是「不再做某件事」。另外一個意思相似的片語是 kick the habit,指的就是「革除習慣」,不過這個片語常常和吸菸連用,像是 kick the smoking habit 或是 kick the habit of smoking,都是「戒煙」的意思。
give up 也可以指在比賽中「認輸」的意思,與 give in 和 throw in the towel 意思相似。give in 是「讓步」的意思,那為什麼「丟毛巾」也是「認輸」的意思呢?
After running two miles of the marathon, Andy and Jessica decided to throw in the towel.

give out分發;報銷

The teacher gave the papers out to students.
How many advertisements did you give out?
The old car finally gave out halfway up the hill.
Mary was sure her knees were going to give out.

give out 作「分發」的時候,可在後面加 to 加「要分發的對象」。另外一個類似的片語是 hand out。
give out 的第二個意思是「東西因年代久遠或因為損壞而不能使用」。英文中和「損壞」相關的片語還有 break down 和 wear out,我們一起來看這些片語的異同之處。
break down
通常是指「機器」壞掉。可以用在「車子、引擎、電腦」等機器。例如,我們要說「我的筆記型電腦突然當了」,英文就是 my laptop just broke down。
wear out
wear out 是指「東西因為年久,而漸漸磨損至不能使用的地步」,這個片語和 give out 的意思較為相似。不過要注意的是,英文中,指「機器」的損壞,不會用 wear out,而是用 give out 這個片語通常是指「衣物或是鞋子」的磨損。
另外,give out 也可以用在「宣佈消息」,例如,「據宣佈,總統被暗殺了」英文是 it was given out that the President was assassinated。

Read the following and then answer true or false for each of the questions below.
Jack was giving out jars of fruit to his friends at work. He told them he wanted to give all the jars away. But he did not give away his secret -- that the jars, when opened, would give off a terrible smell. But soon his friends were all giving him dirty looks. Finally, one by one, they began giving him a piece of their mind. In fact, they gave him a hard time all day, and they all gave the jars back to him. Jack gave up saying, "I gave it my best shot."
1. Jack wanted to give away only some of the jars.
2. Jack did not keep it a secret that the jars would smell when opened.
3. After Jack gave his friends at work the jars, they soon began smiling at him.
4. Jack's friends complained to him.
5. None of the jars were returned.
6. In the end, Jack thought that he had at least tried his best.

I. Fill in the Blanks^ ^Fill in the blanks with the following words. Change the tense of the verbs if needed.
1. The old air conditioner __()__ during the hot summer.
2. Jenny has helped me a lot; she has __()__ every day this week.
3. Todd has already tried; he has already __()__ .
4. How many books have the students __()__ to the library?
5. When I told her the news, she got angry and __()__ .
6. How many gifts have you __()__ today?
#A/gave out/given me a hand/gave it his best shot/gave back/gave me a dirty look/given away
II. The Right Word^ ^Use the following words to fill in the blanks.
Fred asked his son, Billy, to give him __()__ cleaning out the garage, but since Billy was looking forward to an afternoon of playing computer games, he just gave his father __()__ . Fred was not very happy about that and was about to give Billy __()__ , but then he realized that it was Billy's day off and he shouldn't give him __()__ . However, after thinking about it, Billy thought he would give __()__ , even though the garage gave __()__ a terrible smell. His father really needed his help. So, he finally gave __()__ and agreed.
#A/a hand/a dirty look/a piece of his mind/a hard time/it a try/off/up

1. 那種噪音使我頭痛。
The noise gave me a headache.

2. 他嘆了一口氣。
He gave a sigh.

3. 代我向你太太問候。
Give my regards to your wife.

4. 今天是我生日耶,放過我吧。
Give me a break! It's my birthday today.

5. 保羅為了自己的信念奉獻了生命。
Paul had given up his life for his faith.

6. 可以告訴我你的電話號碼嗎?
Can you give me your phone number?

7. 克拉克蓋博在電影亂世佳人中的表演非常出色。
Clark Gable gives an excellent performance in the movie Gone with the Wind.

8. 愛琳讓我搭便車回台北。
Aileen gave me a lift back to Taipei.

9. 他願意付任何代價留在美國。
He would give anything to stay in America.

10. 他被判了五年監禁。
He was given five years in prison.

11. 民調顯示,總統的支持率領先一成。
The poll had given the President a ten-point lead.

give a good example 
做模範; 樹立榜樣

give a hand 

give a person a bit of one's mind 

give a ring 

give an account of 

give and take 
妥協; 互相讓步妥協; 互相讓步

give away 
分發, 洩露, 放棄

give back 
歸還; 後退; 恢復

give birth to 
生; 使...發生

give credit to 
把信用給...; 表揚給...

give ear to 
傾聽, 發怒

give evidence 

give ground 
退卻, 讓步, 失利

give heed to 
注意; 留心

give in 
投降; 讓步; 屈服

give me a break 
讓我休息一下; 得了吧!

give notice 

give occasion to 

give off 
發出; 長出

give offense 
冒犯; 挑釁

give or take 

give place to 
讓位給; 被...代替

give rise to 
引起; 使發生

give satisfaction 
使滿意; 接受挑戰

give short shrift 

give someone hell 

give something the boot 
解僱; 把...趕走; 炒魷魚

give the alarm 
報警; 引起警覺

give the boot 
解僱; 把...趕走; 炒魷魚

give way 

