
快速学习法07 | 5 Tips for Fast Learning 快速学习的5个秘诀

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it 1000 times. If you want to learn English fast you need the right method. Most people have terrible methods and it’s the main reason they take years to learn anything.
1. Listen regularly to native English speakers on MP3. You can download a lot of great shows on your IPod and get a real feel for the words the native speakers use. There are a lot of words in an English dictionary, but most of those words are rarely used. Listen for the slang and vocabulary that is used by native speakers. This will help your listening and also allow you to understand what is important to study.

1. 定期用MP3收听以英语为母语的人的讲话。你可以在你的IPod上下载好的节目,能够对以英语为母语的人说的话有一个真实的感受。在英语字典里面有大量的单词,但是其中的大部分很少用。常听一些说英语的人常用的俚语和单词。这对你的听力会有很大的帮助,也帮助你明白什么是学习的重点。
2. Study with total concentration. Most people “multitask”. That means they do more than one thing at the same time. The problem is, they are really doing nothing. If you want to learn, you need to concentrate almost 100% or you are wasting your time. It’s so easy to learn something one day and forget it the next. What a waste of time.

2. 全神贯注地学习。多数人“多任务处理”。这意味着他们在同一时间做几件事情。问题是,他们实际上什么都没做。如果你想学习,你需要百分之百的投入,否则你就是在浪费时间。每天学习一点东西然后就忘记了,这是很容易的。浪费时间。
3. Use a notebook. If you write down what you learn, you will be more likely to remember it. This will speed up your learning time a lot.

3. 记笔记。如果你写下你学到的,你更可能会记住它。这将大大地加快你学习的速度。
4. Only study stuff you don’t already know. So many people study what they already know. They read something that is too easy for them. That isn’t studying. That’s just a waste of time. It’s much better to learn one new useful word than to spend time reading what you know.

4. 只学习你不知道的。许多人学习他们已经知道的。他们读一些对他们来说太简单的东西。这不是学习。这仅仅是在浪费时间。学习一个新的单词远比花时间读你知道的东西要好得多。
5. Make sure you write down a couple examples of how you can actually use the new words you want to learn. If you are learning the right words and making sure you can actually use them, your English level will improve surprisingly quickly. Most students study weird words they don’t know how to use. They forget them and most of the study time is just a waste. They may be just as smart as other people, but because their method is wrong, their learning will be slow.

5. 确保写下几个如何实际运用你想学的新单词的示例。如果你正在学习正确的单词,并确保你能运用他们,你的英语水平将会以惊人的速度提高的。大多数的学生学习他们不知道的奇怪的单词。然后他们就忘记这些单词,而这大部分的学习时间就浪费了。他们可能跟其他人一样聪明,但是因为他们的方法是错的,所以他们的学习速度是很慢的。
concentration ['kɑnsn'treʃən] n. 集中;专心;集合
multitask [,mʌltɪ'tæsk] vt. 使多任务化
weird [wɪrd] adj. 怪异的;不可思议的

