

Narrator:>Emma walks along to find her friend Jimmy hiding from his teacher.
Emma:>Why are you hiding?
Jimmy:>I'm hiding from my teacher, Mrs. Brown.
Emma:>You won't get away by walking.
Emma:>Why are you trying to get away? 
Did you get into trouble?
艾瑪:為什麼你要躲呢? 你惹上麻煩了嗎?
Jimmy:>Yes, I did. I got into big trouble.
Jimmy:>Mrs. Brown called me. 
She says she wants to get together.
Emma:>She wants to get together and you want to get away?
Mrs. Brown:>Jimmy! You didn't come to my office.
Jimmy:>I didn't get around to it.
Mrs. Brown:>Jimmy! I just want to tell you something. You got an A on your test.
伯朗太太:吉米!我只是要跟你說,你的考試成績是 A。
Jimmy:>I got an A?
吉米:我拿到 A?
Emma:>Jimmy got an A?
艾瑪:吉米拿到 A?
Emma:>You got lucky!
Jimmy:>I got very lucky!

get away (from)逃脫;離開
get in (to) trouble陷入困境;遭遇困難
get together商談;聚會
get around to抽出時間去做
get an A (B, C, D, F)(成績)得到 A (B, C, D, F)
get lucky運氣好


get along (with)相處;處理;過活
How did the children get along?
Joan doesn't get along with her sister.
We can't just get along with this much money.
Mary got along fine without Janet's help.

get along (with) 作「相處」的時候,主要是指「好相處」的意思。另外一個片語 get on (with) 也有相似的意思。例如,我們可以說 Ben and I always get on well,意思就是「班和我總是處得很好」。
而當 get along (with) 的意思是「處理;過活」的意思時,意思相同的片語還有 get by with 。

問別人「工作進展得如何」,我們也可以應用這個片語,英文可以說成 how's the work getting along?

get around四處遊逛;規避;有時間做(某事)

How do you get around?
I get around by bus.
It is hard to get around without a car.
Henry always finds a way to get around the rules.
You should be eighteen to study here, but Harry got around it.
When will you get around to fixing my scooter?
I'll get around to it tomorrow.
Jack never got around to asking for Lisa's help.

get around 用於指「從某地遊歷到另一地」時,無論是走路或是搭乘交通工具,都可以用這個片語表示。通常美式英文用 around,而英式英文會用 about。
另外,get around 也可以作「閃避、規避」。而當 get around 指「找出時間、場合(做某事)時」,後面須加 to,之後接「名詞」或「動名詞」。

get at到達;開始著手

I can't get at the TV plug; my arm isn't long enough.
Mike was just tall enough to get at the box.
Be sure to get at the paper early.
We need to get at the cleaning now. 

get at 指「到達」時,英文中可以用 reach 解釋。另外一個用法有點類似的片語是 get to,例如,「我們到店裡去和經理談談」,英文就是 when we get to the store, we will talk to the manager。
不過要注意的是,get at 後面要加「某件事」,get to 後面則是要加「某地」,英文中可以用 arrive 來解釋。例如上一句中「我們到店裡去和經理對談」,就不可以用 get at 。
我們再把 get to 和 get at 的差異整理一下: 
get at = reach (something) 表示「碰得到某樣東西」
get to = arrive at / in (somewhere) 表示「到達(某地)」

get in the way阻擋 
The children were always getting in the way.
Don't let your foot get in the way.

get in the way 可以指實質上的「擋路」,也可以表示「妨礙、阻擋干預某人或某事」的意思。特別提醒大家,不可以說成 get "on" the way 喔! 
get in the way 的相反詞是 get out of the way,意思是「讓開」。在某些情況下,這是非常不禮貌的說法。
get in the way 這個片語也可換成 get in (someone's) way 或是 get in (one's) way。例如,我們可以說 Don't get in my way,意思就是「別擋我的路」。 

get into trouble遭遇困難;惹麻煩

I got into trouble with my parents for coming home late.
Jane got into trouble while hiking in the mountains; she got lost and ran out of food.
Peter got into trouble at school for beating up his classmate.
Maybe someone should tell them before they get into trouble.

trouble 這個字可以指「問題」或是「困難的事情」,所以 get into trouble 這個片語可以指「遇到了麻煩」,也可指「闖了禍」。
讀者要注意,在使用這個片語的時候,trouble 前面不可以加 the,如果這個片語後面要加「惹上麻煩的原因」,則可以是加上 with 或是 for。
get into trouble 的相反詞是 get out of trouble,意思是「擺脫麻煩;免受處罰;免於災難」,同樣地,trouble 前面也不可以加 the 喔。

get off下車;取下

We get off the bus at the next stop.
Get off the bicycle before you fall off!
I can't get the lid off the jar.
Michelle tried hard to get the paint off her shirt.

get off the bus 可用來指「下公車」,「上公車」則說 get on the bus。此外,像是 car、taxi 等,則是說 get in a car / taxi、get out of a car / taxi。我們來看看哪些交通工具是配 get on 和 get off,哪些交通工具又是配 get in 和 get out of:
get on / get off
a bike / bicycle 
a moped / motorcycle
a ship 
a train
the subway
an airplane
get in / get out of
a car
a taxi
a hot-air balloon
a helicopter
a small airplane

get out離開;躲避

The dog got out.
小狗走了。 10個動詞搞定英語
Mindy couldn't get her kids out of bed this morning.
Tom wrote a paper to get out of taking the test; the paper got him out of it.
湯姆因為不想考試,所以他寫報告。 10個動詞搞定英語
I am supposed to help my mother today, but maybe I can get out of it.

get out 如果單獨用的話,是非常不禮貌的一句話,當有人用粗魯兇狠的語氣對你說 get out 或 get out of here 的時候,意思其實就是相當於中文的「滾出去!」或是「滾離這裡!」所以,在使用上千萬要注意,不要用這種語氣對別人說話,這樣是非常沒有禮貌的喔!
此外,get out 也有「從(某處)逃離」的意思,不過,這個片語通常是指「動物從(某處)爬出去逃走」。例如,「小狗跑出庭院逃走。」英文就是 the dog got out of the yard and ran away。
這個意思的相反詞是 get stuck,是「被困住」的意思。例如,「傑若米被困在車陣中。」英文的說法是 Jeremy got stuck in traffic。

get over with完成

Hugh just wanted to get the test over with.
Let's get it over with.

get over 當「恢復;克服」的時候,「身體上或是心理上的問題」都可以使用這個片語。英文可以用 recover 或是 overcome 來解釋這個片語。其他相似的片語還有 get better 和 get well。我們可以看看下面的例子,瞭解 get over 要怎麼用!

Mia finally got over her cold after being sick all month.
Valency felt she had gotten over her problems.

另外一個和 get over 意思也很相近的片語是 move on。這個片語的意思是「從打擊中恢復,繼續生活」。例如,我們可以說: 
He got over the death of his son and moved on.
從這個例子,我們可以看到,get over 和 move on 的意思很相似,但是兩個片語有先後順序:(某人)要從某個困境或打擊中先恢復,然後繼續生活。
我們也常常用下面這句話安慰別人:you need to get over it and move on,意思是「你要重新振作,並且繼續好好生活」。

get rid of擺脫;丟掉

There are too many people here; get rid of them.
John decided to get rid of his old magazines.

rid 作動詞用的時候,是指「擺脫」的意思。在 get rid of 中 rid 是過去分詞當形容詞用,rid 的三態同形。使用這個片語的時候,of 後面加的是「自己不想要或是沒用的東西」。和 get rid of 相似的片語,還有:

throw out 丟掉;扔掉

throw away 丟掉

get rid of 除了可以當「擺脫;丟掉」之外,「甩掉(某人)」也可以用這個片語,我們看看下面的例子,看看 get rid of 要怎麼用:
Maria tried to get rid of her boyfriend, but she couldn't.

get through完成;使(某人)瞭解 
It will take me all day to get through all this work!
The teacher tried hard to get through to her students.
What do I have to do to get through to you?

get through 的第一個意思是「完成」,在英文中,可以用 complete 或是 finish 來解釋。意思相似的片語還有 get finished。你可以說 get (something) finished 或是 get (something) done 來表達相同的意思。不過注意的是,你只能說 get through with (something) 而不能說 get something through。

get (something) finished
get (something) done
I'm going to get finished with my homework.
I'm going to get done with my homework.
I'm going to get through with my homework.
I'm going to get my homework finished.
I'm going to get my homework done.

get through 作「使(某人)瞭解」的時候,後面要記得加 to。除了上面的兩個意思之外,get through 還有「接通電話」的意思,例如,「為什麼我的電話打不通」英文是:Why can't I get through on the telephone?

Read the following and then answer true or false for each of the questions that follow.
Penny didn't get along with her older brother, Peter, very well. Because Penny was only fourteen years old, she couldn't get around by herself and had to rely on her brother to drive her places. Even though Peter would get into trouble for refusing to drive Penny around, it didn't seem to help much. To Peter, though, Penny was just a troublesome little sister who liked to get in the way, and he was constantly thinking of ways to get rid of her. One Friday, Peter was looking forward to his date. Penny, however, wanted to go to the mall. He told her to take the subway and get off at the last stop, but Penny didn't want to go by herself. So, Peter decided to get it over with and drive her. When they arrived at the mall, Peter told her to get out of the car, but she couldn't get at the lock. Peter started yelling, and then Penny started to cry. To make matters worse, Peter couldn't seem to get through to her, and Penny just kept on screaming. What an awful night it was turning out to be!
1. Penny always got along with her older brother.
2. Peter didn't like to drive Penny around. 
3. Peter wasn't really excited about his date.
4. Penny took the subway by herself to the mall. 
5. Penny started to cry when her brother yelled at her.

I. Matching Objeccts
Match the verb phrases with the possible objects.
1. get along with __()__
2. get around __()__
3. get at __()__
4. get off __()__
5. get out of __()__
6. get over __()__
7. get through __()__
people at work/a rule/a light bulb/an airplane/a taxi/the flu/an old magazine
II. The Right Word
Use the following words to fill in the blanks.
Mark and his colleague Betty did not get __()__ well. Mark wanted to get __()__ her; he wanted to be friends. But he always got __()__ , making it hard for her to work. Once when she got sick, he made her chicken soup to help her get __()__ her sickness. But she got worse, not better. The chicken was bad; she got sicker. Mark really got __()__ for that; she did not talk to him for a week. Then he got an idea. She said she was lonely, so he got her a small dog. That really got to her. She cried because she was so happy -- even after the dog bit her finger. 
along/along with/in the way/over/into trouble
1. 去過點有意義的人生吧!
Get a life!

2. 我要在天黑以前回家。
I want to go home before it gets dark.

3. 我們處得很好。
We get along (very well).

4. 我們結婚吧。
Let's get hitched.

5. 我會還以顏色的,你這豬頭!
I'll get you for that, you pig!

6. 別想歪了!
Get your mind out of the gutter!

7. 你工作得還可以,不過要設法改進。
Your work will get by, but try to improve it.

8. 你到哪買到這件裙子的?
Where did you get this skirt?

9. 他們在巴黎上飛機。 
They got on the plane in Paris.

10. 我沒看清楚那東西。 
I didn't get a good look at it.

11. 你今天晚上會幫孩子們預備晚餐嗎?
Will you get the children their supper tonight?

