

Narrator:>Cecil and Prissy complain about losing their coffee breaks at work.
Cecil:>Did you hear that our supervisor is going to do away with our coffee breaks?
Prissy:>That's terrible! And it's not fair.
Cecil:>I never thought our boss could be so mean.
Prissy:>We should talk to his boss. That should do the trick.
Cecil:>I don't know. He might get angry.
#E NO08>Prissy:>Come on. Everyone has to do their bit. _
NO09>We're part of a team.
#C 蘋思:別這樣,每個人都應該盡力, _
Cecil:>I really don't know. NO11>I don't want to cause any trouble.
Prissy:>Well, aren't you the one who always tells me to do good for others?
Cecil:>I guess you're right.
Prissy:>This is a do-or-die situation for me. I need my coffee!
Cecil:>But if the boss gets angry, then I'm done for!
Prissy:>Don't worry. You'll do a great job.
#C 蘋思:別擔心,你會做得很好的。

do away with 終止
do the trick 起作用
do (one's) bit 盡(某人)的一份力量
do good 對(某人)有好處
do-or-die 不成功毋寧死
do for 完蛋;毀滅


do (someone) a favor幫(某人)的忙

Could you do me a favor? I need to borrow some money.
Benjamin did us a big favor by driving us to the store.

do (someone) a favor 就是 help 的意思,還有一個片語意思和它很相近,就是 give (someone) a hand,中文比較接近的翻譯是「對(某人)伸出援手」。
當你說 could you do me a favor 時,你也可以說 could you do a favor for me 不過要注意的是:不可以說 could you do a favor to me,這是不正確的英文。
另外,如果你對別人說 do me a favor,或是 do a favor for me, 都是非常不禮貌的。這樣的命令句只能用在很熟的朋友當中。
最後,讀者可能會看過 favour 這種拼法,而可能會疑惑這是什麼字。其實這是 favor 的英式拼法。有些字英式和美式的拼法會稍微有點差別,例如 color 的英式拼法是 colour,practice 的英式拼法是 practise。下次看到這些字,不要以為是打錯字喔!

do a good job做得很好

Kim did a good job on her school report.

do a good job 是「事情做得很好」的意思。good 還可以用別的字取代,例如 excellent、fine、great 等。
當然,如果將 good 用 bad 取代,就是指是「事情做得不好」的意思。且看下面的例句:
Barry did a poor job on his last projects, so this time he wants to do it better.

do (one's) best盡全力

Mike did his best on the math test.
I will do my best to fix the car.

do (one's) best 字面的意思就是「做到(某人)最好的程度」。下面再介紹幾個意思相同的片語:
try (one's) best
do (one's) utmost
go all out
give (a/one) hundred percent
do all (one) can

do in累垮;做掉(置人於死地)

The jogging really did me in.
The hard work will do Kim in.
Cinderella wanted to do Snow White in.
The robber's partners did him in.

使用 do in 這個片語的時候,是指「累垮」或「置人於死地」,人都要放在 do 和 in 中間,也就是 do (someone) in。do in 作「累垮」解釋時,和 tire out 或是 wear out 意思相近。
而 do in 作「置人於死地」解釋的時候,是俚語用法,和中文的「做掉;幹掉」意思差不多,與 take (someone) out、knock (someone) off 意思相近。

do (something) over重做(某事)

The teacher made me do the paper over.
This is terrible! Do it over.

do over 就是 repeat (something) 或 do (something) again。

do up盛裝打扮;整修

Rita did up her hair for the party.
Hannah did up the table with beautiful flowers.
John did the old house up, making it look like new again.
The government did up the old train station last year.

do up 除了上面介紹的意思之外,還有「扣;系;扎」等的意思。例如「請幫我將洋裝扣上」就是 please do up my dress,而「把溜冰鞋鞋帶綁好」英文是 do up your skate laces。
至於作「盛裝打扮」的時候,除了指衣著亮眼之外,也有化妝打扮,所以 do up 通常用於女子身上,另一常見用法是 do (oneself) up。例如,「珍妮已經打扮好要去參加宴會」,就是 Jenny has done herself up for the party。

do well做得很好;表現佳

Lisa did very well on her math test.
Vickie always does well in school.

do well 的相反詞是 do poorly,就是「表現不好」的意思。
例如,「我沒有運動細胞」英文是 I do poorly in sport。

和 do well 意思相似的片語,有前面提到的 do a good job 以及 make out well。
另一個很常用的片語是 do OK 和 do well 意思也很相近。如果有個人小時候很壞,長大後還算循規蹈矩,英文可以說:
Dennis used to be a brat, but now he is doing OK。(丹尼斯小時候是個死小孩,不過他現在表現得還可以。)
不過通常我們都是說 he is doing OK 而不是 he does OK,這樣很奇怪喔!

do well 變成被動式 well done 的時候,是稱讚別人「做得很好」。稱讚別人做得很好,我們還可以使用下列用語:
good job!
way to go!
right on!(衝浪小子常用)
最後,well-done 還是牛排全熟的意思喔!

do what (someone) says照(某人)說的去做

The boy never does what his mother says.
Sharon told the graphic designers to do what she said.

常和 do what (someone) say 連在一起用的片語是 not what (someone) do。意思就是「照(某人)說的做,不是照(某人)做的去做」。下面幾個例子,希望能幫助讀者瞭解:
After running a red light, the driving teacher told me to do what he said, not what he did.
I broke a rule? Well, do what I say, not what I do.

do with需要

I could do with a cold drink right now.
Mindy can do with only four hours' sleep.

do with 上面的用法是沒有被動態的,但是有時候,我們也會聽到外國友人說 I'm done with (something),這句話有很多意思,通常是和「結束;完成(某事)」有關係。
如果我們說「我已經游完泳了」,英文可以說:I'm done with swimming。
小孩子想要出去玩,告訴媽媽他功課寫完了,英文就是 I'm done with my homework. 
但是如果不幸和女友分手了,可以說 I'm done with my girlfriend 也就是指「我跟我女朋友玩完了」,也就是說你可能已經把人家給甩了……所以 be done with (someone) 可以用於表示結束了一段感情。

另外一個片語 be down with 聽起來和 be done with 很像。不過意思差很多,請讀者要注意唷。be down with 是個俚語,通常表示「(某人)贊同(某事)」。例如,如果朋友問你要去麥當勞或是漢堡王吃東西,你比較想去漢堡王就可以說 I'm down with Burger King. 如果你覺得都可以,就可以說:
I'm down with either choice.
I'm down with both.
I'm down with whatever.
Either way I'm down.
但是,如果在遊行示威時看到 Down with (something),意思是「反對(某事)」。例如,Down with abortion 就是「反墮胎」的意思。所以有部電影 Down with Love《愛情趴趴走》就是「拒絕戀愛」的意思。

do without沒有……也行;將就

We will have to do without a vacation this year.
I could do without another visit to the dentist.

do without 是「將就、沒有(某物)也行」的意思。相似詞是 get by without。例如,我們要說「我沒有像樣的電腦也可以過得去」,英文的表達方式就是 I could do without a decent computer。

Read the following and then answer true or false for each of the questions that follow.
Kelly told her husband, Jake, that she could do with some dinner. She asked, "would you do me a favor and cook for me?" She asked him to do a good job, because she wanted a really good dinner. But he asked, "what if I do poorly and you don't like it?" Kelly said, "Just do it the way you have seen me do it." An hour later, no dinner had come, so she asked, "Where's my dinner?" Jake said, " I did it just like you do it -- asked someone else to do it for me. But the only other one home is the dog." Kelly looked at Jake and said, "Do do as I do, not as I say."
1. Kelly wanted Jake to cook dinner for her.
2. Kelly did not care if Jake did it well or poorly.
3. Jake was worried that she would not like his cooking.
4. Jake cooked dinner for her.
5. Jake asked someone else to cook dinner for her.
6. Someone else cooked dinner for Kelly.

I. Use the Phrases
Use the following idioms to rewrite the sentences below. Replace the words on parentheses; other words in the sentences may need changed.
1. Mary __()__ (excellent work) on the report.
2. Jim really made the house special; he really __()__ (made it nice).
3. The hard work really __()__ (made me tired).
4. Peter __()__ (did a bad job) on the homework.
5. Karen was so busy, she __()__ (did not eat) lunch.
6. Kate __()__ (tried as hard as she could) to make Ben believe her.
7. It is hot; __()__ (I would like) some ice water.
8. Can you __()__ (help me)?
do a good job/did up the house/did me in/did poorly/did without/do her best/could do with/do me a favor
II. The Right Word
Use the following words to fill in the blanks.
Jasper was not a good student. He always did his homework __()__ . Even when his teacher asked him to do __()__ , to make it special, he still did not do it __()__ . One day, his teacher brought his bad homework and said, "Jasper, I want you to do this again, to do it __()__ . And promise me that you will try as hard as you can -- that you will do __()__ ." Jasper promised. The next day, he gave her the homework he had done over. It was poor. The teacher asked, "Did you do your best?" Jasper answered, "Yes, but I did my best while watching a cartoon and playing a video game."
poorly/up/well/over/your best

1. 我真的有做功課!
I did do my homework!

2. 他只是在盡本分而已。
He is only doing his job.

3. 我已經從學校畢業了。
I'm done with school.
4. 欣蒂受不了她的老爺車了!
Cindy is done with her old car!

5. 男生不吃青菜也能活。
Guys can do without vegetables.

6. 你刷牙了嗎?
Have you done your teeth?

7. 你對遙控器做了什麼?
What have you done with the remote control?

8. 我會盡力準時完成工作。
I will do my best to finish my work on time.

9. 這張小床給狗睡正合適。
This little bed will do for the dog.

10. 那不會對她有什麼害處的。
That will not do her any harm.

11. 你的新計畫進行得如何?
How are you doing with your new project?

do a good turn 

do good 
做好事; 有益於

do justice 
公平地對待; 公正地評判

do one's duty 

do oneself justice 

do oneself proud 

do the trick 

