

1. 問候口試老師時
 (Good) morning(afternoon)!
Nice to meet you.
2. 自我介紹時
Allow me to introduce myself. 
My name is ____________.  I am from Yuan-lin Senior High School.
3. 沒聽清楚問題時(要對方再重複一次時)
Sorry, I didn‘t catch what you said(asked).
Pardon me?
I beg your pardon?
I‘m sorry, could you repeat your question, please?
4. 開始表達自己的看法時
OK, I think air pollution is a very serious problem in Taiwan.
Well, in my opinion, listening to ICRT improves my listening comprehension.
As far as I‘m concerned, math is a difficult subject for most classmates.
5. 表示自己相當有研究時
In fact, I‘m quite good at playing sports.
Actually, I go to the movies very(quite) often.
In fact, I‘ve done a research on that.  ...
Actually, I‘m quite interested in that.
6. 表示並不怎麼清楚時
Sorry, I don‘t know much about that.
Sorry, I‘m not familiar with that, but there is one thing I do know.. 
7. 表示自己從前並未想過
I haven‘t thought about that.
8. 表示自己完全不知道時
Sorry, I have no idea about that.
Sorry, I don‘t know what a rhino is (or how the machine works).
9. 表示以後有時間會去學時
In fact, I‘m planning to spend some more time on that in the future.
10. 表示以上是自己所知全部時
I think that‘s all I know (about Titanic).
11. 表達好惡時
I like(love)  listening to the radio.
            to listen to the radio.
I enjoy listening to the radio.
I don‘t like to waste my precious time that way.
12. 表達關心、驚訝、失望、感興趣、同情、憂慮
     concerned about
     surprised at
I‘m  disappointed at       those students.
     interested in
     sympathetic to
     worried about
13. 表達同意、贊成時
Yes, that‘s true.
I agree with that.
I approve of punishing those motorcyclists who don‘t wear helmets.
14. 表達反對時
I don‘t think so.
I don‘t agree with their fooling around.
I don‘t approve of that kind of behavior.
15. 表達謝意時
Thank you very much.
16. 表達自己夢想時
I dream of going to America all the time.
This is what I‘ve been dreaming of.
17. 告別
Thank you.  Good-bye
Nice meeting you.


1. 誠實回答
2. 確定問什麼再答
3. 簡單清晰
4. 不用太在意文法,意思能傳達為主要
5. 自然與口試老師目光接觸
6. 保持微笑
7. 勿做不必要小動作

